Monday, June 28, 2010

41 Words per Minute & Others!!

i have problem with my financial management -_-
never mind...

i've try to type fast at this site..try on, friends!!

41 words
Speed test

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gugling kok Guling?

Pertama-tama, bolehkah saya jujur?
Saya baru mengenal hari ini. Dan saya, dengan nekatnya, langsung mencoba untuk me-review situs ini. Kesan pertama yang didapat adalah kata 'gugling'. Di awal, melihat kata gugling, saya terbayang akan 'guling'.
Javan Guling Bayi

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Amazing Picture


Kelebihan :
* Klo nonton film jadi lebih puas *
* Dilengkapi software-software lokal, Office Wayang, Srikandi PowerDVD, 
Ramayana Chrome, dll. *
* Tidak membutuhkan power supply, hemat listrik *
*Keleluasaan dalam memencet2 keyboard *
(disarankan yang berjari panjang)
boleh juga pake ini :
* sayangnya,,,,*
karena tidak diproduksi pula

foto ini untuk mengikuti The Amazing Picture-nya BlogCamp
BTW, thank for Inge atas infonya yaah ^^
Yg laennya ayuk ikutan..pendaftarannya sampai 1 Juli 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bandung Badung (??)

Hari Jumat, i decided to go to Bandung.
Why? Bcoz,suddenly, mamaku berkata bahwa mereka berdua (mama dan papa) sdg ada di Bandung.
Hari ini, waktu kita keluar ke Pasar Baru untuk beli oleh2 (padahal ga lg liburan -_-),,
tiba-tiba aku menemukan fakta bahwa ada sobekan panjang di tas yg ak pake.
Waktu kucek, ternyata kameraku tersayang udah ga ada wujudnya lg,,hilang dibawa sang penyilet. Walhasil..................hanya bisa pasrah dan ikhlas..semoga bisa dapat ganti yang lebih baik..Amiin..

Ini foto d kamera punya ortu dengan mimik senang, sebelum kamera menghilang :

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kawai to Kirei Nina in Japan ^^

Nina is a little girl that has video about her growin up. Her father has made videos about her to report her progress in his family in US (Because now, he lives in Japan). Here's the profile of the page in Youtube :
I'm a doting father who teaches at a high school in Japan. I originally uploaded these videos mainly so my family and friends in the U.S. could see how Nina is progressing through life, but since then Nina has made new friends from all around the world. Thanks to kawaiifull for making the great banners!
Here's the channel of Nina : 
People love her because she always acts cute at the video. Her facial expression and her voice are funny and cute. She's also beautiful . Her father is also smart to raise her cuteness :) Here is one of her video when she ate bento with her papa. The first conversation was so funny. 
Papa : Nina, whose ebi is that?
Nina : Papa
Papa : Who's eating it?
Nina : Nina (with cute face)
Papa : Haha..why u're eating my ebi?
Nina : Cause it looks good (with japanese and very funny expression ..chubby Nina =>)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Motivated Song !!^^

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tugas Akhir

Banyak godaan.

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